Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy 94th Birthday to Momu
Dan and I arrived at 4:30 with shrimp cocktail, pizza and Caesar salad. M&P ate pretty darn well. They kept saying "wow this is fantastic".  Momu then showed me her new earrings - the 'Doc' - resident that dines with them, brought Momu to his room and gave her the earrings - get your mind of the gutter people!  (On our way out, we chatted with the receptionist Dorothy and a nurse was there and we mentioned the Doc and the earrings, etc.  They both laughed and said he has a bag of costume jewelry and always likes to chat it up with the ladies.)

Even more fantastic was when we got to MB the room door was open and lights were all on and they were watching the news. Lots of good stories to talk about on MSNBC - Newt, Penn State, presidential primaries, etc. Makes for some great conversation!

Candles were lit and we all sang Happy Birthday. Yummy vanilla cake with fresh strawberries in middle and real whipped cream was enjoyed by everyone. Momu told Dan he made a great cake choice - she did not remember I had asked her what kind of cake she wanted.

A few cards arrived today - Paul and Nan sent Popa a belated bday card.
The best card to arrive, however (no offense to anyone else) was Momus bday card from Joanne which included a picture of Kitty! I taped the picture to the foot of Momu's bed so she can see it all the time.

Then a package was brought to the room - a very nice set of 'artist quality' pastels and a special charcoal pad. Momu really liked them. She also liked the nice floral calendar that came as part of the gift - I told her it was 2012 so input it away for a January appearance on her dresser and no negative reaction

I also brought over the doll that Joanne had given to her a while back - Momu was soooo happy and after dinner and cake she took the doll off the dresser and is lying in bed with it!

Lastly - Dan suggested we bring over a kitchen table with 4 chairs so when guests come there is a place to sit and have a snack. M&P both thought it was a good idea - but only when larger bed comes so there is some room.

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