Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!
Samantha visited MB for a few hours this afternoon. When she arrived Momu was not dressed and sad she felt sad. Samantha asked why and she said... I realize I can't take care of Popa anymore and I think that means we have to stay here for a while longer. Perhaps a breakthrough into reality? I will see if I get the same message tomorrow.

Samantha brought Momu a big slice of pizza which she gobbled up. Samantha also got them both milkshakes from the MB kitchen.

I will continue to bring Momu books - have enough in my house for a while. I am also going to have to come up with a visit schedule since January starts tax season and also my race training and also the start of Dan's new job which will have him traveling almost 4 days a week. I think I should be able to manage 3 times a week

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday December 27, 2011

Me, Dan and Samantha went for a short pre dinner visit - got there at 4 pm. Door was shut, TV was on, both were awake.

Before I got to their room, Amy, the social worker stopped me in the hallway and told me Momu told her today that there was a family member who was critically ill. Amy did not mention any name. I told her my dad was sick with flu like symptoms and that is when Amy told me Momu told her that dad was very sick with brain cancer. I just looked at her and said "wow"! So Momu has somehow connected Dads not feeling well to his tumor issue from the 90's.

We chatted about random things - most of which has been talked about alot lately - toy bull dog, my moms wedding, etc. Momu does understand that dad is sick and won't come to MB until he is better which is good. However she has made a direct association with dads next visit to him taking them home.

She also said that they are going to have a huge 75th wedding anniversary party is they are still around.

Samantha and I will bring the dogs over tomorrow and play some boggle.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday December 26, 2011

We were not planning a MB visit today because Paul and Paula were visiting. However, around 4:50 this afternoon Momu called and asked Samantha to bring over some hoop earrings and Gin when she comes. Around 6:30 Samantha decided she wanted to visit and went over with earrings and a beer. Momu has Gin at MB already. Samantha played Boggle again, watched Foodnetwork and chatted with Momu and heard stories she hadn't heard before. Samantha stayed about 3 hours and when Popa started to take his pants off, she left :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sunday December 25, 2011

Samantha, the Angel, arrived around 3:15 pm solo while her Mommy cooked for out holiday dinner at our friends house later.
Momu still in nightgown when she arrived. But Samantha planned ahead and had some goodies/treats in hand:
Gingerbread cookie decorating kit
BBQ chips

Samantha also took out Boggle:

Samantha said it was really sad that Popa does not know how to play Boggle anymore - then in an instant, he will remember and write down the same 4 words.  She is emotional remembering how he used to beat us all!  He kept saying to her "what are we supposed to do.  there are no words here."  Then he thinks and gets words.  10 minutes later he was whipping out 5 letter words..

If you notice carefully, the easel is empty (picture of Momu above).  She has started to pack up all her stuff.

I am planning on going over tomorrow, but given it is the 'big day in her mind', I may not.  I will see how my day goes.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday December 24, 2011

Samantha here,

I walked in at 4 pm, papa said look my sweetie is here what a surprise. Then he asked where Erica and Dan were. I said they will come tomorrow. Momu was dressed up with jewelry and a big scarf. I said she looked nice and she said it wasn't easy!

Momu brought up a story about Peter and I mentioned that Peter wasn't feeling good and that today is Chris's birthday. She said she was going to call Peter to tell him to go to the doctor and wish Chris a happy birthday. If she remembers...

This conversation brought up that Momu wonders what Christopher is doing and if she will see him soon.

I heard the same stories from Momu:
1. she needs her jewelry box in order to go home
2. She wonders if kitty remembers her
3. Popa isn't the same as he used to be
4. When they get home I need to get them a young toy bulldog

Popa was alert today but continued to ask how he can eat without his wallet. I explained that it comes with the room. He said okay and asked again 5 minutes later. I'll either go back tomorrow or Monday. I notice that I make Popa happy and he loves me sitting with him. So I'll go as often as I can while I am home!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday December 21, 2011

Samantha and I arrived at 3:00 pm. Door shut, lights off and Momu was in her nightgown. I asked her if she was feeling ok and she said she was really depressed. She just wants to go home.

Valerie sent a card so I turned the light on and she read the card. Then Samantha went to get ice cream for them - strawberry for Momu and chocolate for Popa. Momu cheered up a bit and was talkative. She is going to call Dad and have him arrange for food in the house so they can leave a few days after Christmas. I did not really acknowledge her words.

Samantha asked Momu why she hasn't painted and she said it would still be wet when they were ready to go home and it would get ruined.

We turned the Foodnetwork on and watched. We left after 4 and told Momu if she got dressed tomorrow we would come play boggle after dinner.

Momu called me about an hour after I got home and reminded me to bring her jewelry box so she will have it for when she leaves. Not going to do that.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday December 19, 2011

The Dinner family (all 4 of us) arrived at MB just after 4:00. Door was shut, lights off, sleeping people. We barged in and Popa immediately woke up and was very happy to see Samantha, then Phillip and then us. Momu was happy as well but she is nursing a side pain (I told the nurse)

I will start by saying I was actually a bit scared and frightened by today's visit. Popa was not only up, but he was extremely alert and very very talkative. Dan and I were looking at each other in disbelief. While they chatted I stepped out to the nurses station to tell them what I was witnessing with Popa. I will assume it is temporary but only time will tell.

Popa was talking with the kids about school and hockey.

Momu was talking to me and said 'wow - he just woke up'. I asked her how long he has been like this - I.e. clear and she said 'just now'. So I think the kids triggered something good. They are home for 2 weeks and will visit as often as they can - tomorrow is boggle day.

Momu's story was same one as last week - about the fact she was very friendly with my mother and threw her a wedding shower and tslked my mothers mother out of wearing a white dress - it was only repeated 2 times

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday December 15, 2011

Later arrival tonight - 6pm - they were still in dining room so we waited in the lobby. Lots of activity at MB - a troup of Daisy's (think they are really young girl scouts) dressed up and singing.

Popa was much more alert and I think it was because it was after dinner and we usually before. Still was very tired looking.

Today was about Momu - she out did herself with the forgetful story telling in the continuos loop. The repeated items were:

1 My mothers bridal shower and wedding day and that she had to talk my mothers mother out of wearing white. White is only for the bride! She repeated this 5 times in a row.

2. She needs her checkbook and credit cards because she is leaving MB on 12/26. That was repeated only 4 times.

Dad (Peter) called her this morning and again tonight while we were there and asked her if she had spoken to any doctors about leaving. Answer of course is no. He explained she will bring her checkbook next time he comes. However about 3 minutes after the call - she said she had to call her son to tell him she wants to go home. She forgot about a call that happened only 3 minutes earlier.

I had her Momu necklace fixed and gave it to her today - she was extremely happy. She will also watch a great comedy show tonight called The Iowa Debates!

She finished another book so I will bring her another once - romance novel vs thriller this time.

I am off to a Yoga Rest and relaxation retreat tomorrow thru Sunday. Dan will visit over the weekend, but no blogging.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mark was able to do an overnight in Hartford for work - Dan picked him up from airport and they arrived at Meadowbroom around 3:15. I arrived at 3:40 and left st 4:15 for a PT appointment.

Momu's hearing was bad today - she tried to use the hearing aides but I don't think she knows how to use them - she keeps taking the batteries out. So as a result she was not as engaged in conversation with Mark as she could have been.

Popa was a bit more alert - but that just means he had his eyes opened vs. closed - still did not really engage in conversation.

Momu finished another book - so that means she must be spending alot of time in the bathroom - some things never change. Let's see if she selects another book by herself - she knows where they are.

Mark and Dan stayed another 30 minutes after I left.

Momu put a date to her departure of MB - day after Christmas. I wasn't there when she announced it, so I will have another discussion with her tomorrow.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The words of the day from Momu are "I have had enough of this place. I am ready to go home." the first time she said it I ignored her and changed the subject. Momu finished the James Patterson book I gave her last week, so I walked upstairs with her and she selected another book from the cart. On the walk there she again said she is ready to go home and then said they could each use their canes to get around and upstairs. That was all I needed to hear to jump in. I told her in a nice matter of fact way that Popa can't go up the stairs on his own. She was surprised. I then told her he slipped when she was in the hospital and Dad had to catch him from falling. I told her she cannot care for him and that is what started the whole adventure. I will keep reminding her if she keeps saying she is ready to go home. No way can she care for Popa let alone herself.

We did talk a lot about family today. We talked about her father, how her mother was a good cook, etc. this discussion, I think made her feel good. Dan and I are going to bring some paper tomorrow and we want to start to document the family tree.

No words out of Popa today - eyes were mostly shut as he lied in bed.

Momu says she weighs 104 which is great. Popa down to 132 - Momu says he really does not eat much. Hoping the package of Oreos we brought over will help.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pearl Harbor Day - means Momu repeatedly said she can't believe her son will be 70! Then we talked about age and how different we feel in our heads versus our bodies. She also said Popa could not be in the army because of colitis but then said he was an 'air warden'. No clue what that means.

When Dan and I arrived we were surprised to see the lights on and tv on. That was good. There was lots of good discussion about corporate American greed on msnbc so that provoked some good conversation.

I brought Momu another James Patterson book to read.

One of the better things we witnessed was Popa used the bathroom before dinner - we were very happy to see that!

On my way out I made Momu pinky swear she would paint tomorrow but then told her she had to remember that she promised! We laughed

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

We arrived at 4. Lights off, door shut, both in Popas bed.
We brought Momu her linseed oil - I told her she has no excuses and I expect to see progress on her painting. I also brought over two additional pictures of Obama.

I helped Momu put in one earring she could not do - then she said 'pretty, right' at which point I laughed because she had 2 diff ones in so I switched them out.

We chatted - milk story made an appearance today. As we were walking them to the dining room, Momu saw Popa had an accident - she stayed calm and I was happy to see that. I got a nurse to help and he got changed and off we went.

I walked with Momu to make sure she was ok and she was. She understands as we age we become childlike.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday December 4, 2011

We arrived at 3:15 with a small banana cream pie (not homemade). Door was shut, lights were off and both sound asleep. We went in and woke them up, turned the lights on and chatted.

Popa immediately said to Dan - how are we going to pay for dinner. Popas first comment every time is asking us about going to dinner. Popa did engage in conversation today. Speaking of dinner, we asked them if Donna did come to MB last week and they both said yes. They both said they met Donnas new boyfriend and that he was nice. Only Donna can confirm.....

Not many stories today - the repeat of the day was that Chris' teeth implants did not work - i think she said it 3 times in a continuous loop. The good news is Momu remembered that I had told her about Chris' Friday procedure - bad news was she conjured up in her head that it did not work.

Popa and Dan had some pie - I turned the TV on, we watched for a little while and then left.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Today was my first visit since Monday - although I am still not feeling 100% I wanted to see M&P. I arrived solo st 1:00. Popa in a light sleep in bed. Momu in bathroom. She came out and was still in her nightgown - I asked her why she wasn't dressed snd she went into a rant about the place being crazy and she was not being taken care of. Well about 15 minutes after I arrived the nurse on duty came to check up on Momu - apparently she was not feeling well and hence the reason for her not getting dressed. I think it will always be something.

She finished the Micheal Moore book and loved it. She has not started her painting - she needs oil, which I will get tomorrow and then there will be no excuse.

Momu and I chatted for a while and then I turned on the TV just in time for us to watch the Cain speech.

Popa continues to not be part of any discussions.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Some personal appointments did not give me an opportunity to get to MB today.

I spoke to Momu to let her know and that I would see her tomorrow - she then gave me a list of things she wanted - mostly some of her jewelry

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I had a doctors appointment so Dan went to MB solo. When he arrived Momu immediately asked him if he knew where her checkbook was. He said no so then Momu called Chris to ask her. Momu was very upset and angry because she had no money or credit cards and she insisted that Donna was coming to take them out for dinner. Momu asked Dan for his credit card but he told her he would get her some cash from the MB account. Instead he went to get her a glass of gin and she calmed down.

Popa continues to be blank/absent and needs complete care for his hygiene.

Dan bought Momu her 2 palette cups so I am hoping she begins to paint again.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Authored by Peter:
I arrived around 10:30 and brought Momu "Here Comes Trouble" signed by Michael Moore. I brought Poppa an authentic Yankee cap from the 1998 World Series win. Thanksgiving dinner was actually quite good and since it was planned that Christine and Christopher were also going to visit the sun room opposite the nurses' station was reserved for "the Krasnows". Poppa picked at his food, Momu ate well including Poppa's stuffing and cranberry sauce (you'll hear that story a few thousand times I'm sure) and old fat me cleaned my plate. We then sat in the patio for almost an hour in the hot sun, then it was back to the room for naps; not me but almost. She asked for her pocket book again saying I need things in there. I left early around 4 to drive partially in the remaining light of the day. Nothing was opened in Pittsfield, except a Dunkin' Donuts so that was dinner.

I arrived around 10:30 with pocket books without much in them. It was then Momu said I need my check book to buy things and take cash out of the bank. I asked why and she didn't really know but doesn't like anyone in charge of her finances...again and again and again. We ate lunch with Doc and Stephan. I learned Doc has a daughter living 15 minutes from Meadowbrook with her husband. She is a pediatrician and he is a sport orthopedist. We sat in the sun patio for a very short time since they were tired and wanted to nap. I watched a little TV with them and then decided, OK, I'll take them to Antonio's for dinner. I first stopped at CVS for hair color kits and hearing aide batteries and the liquor store nearby for beer. Dinner was good as we split one meal (all of us) and each had soup. Momu had TWO Martinis so I knew she would sleep well that night. I dropped them off around 6:30 and headed back to Pittsfield.

I filled up the car and waited for Miller's Art Supplies to open at 9 am. I bought "odorless" turpentine and a new pallet with a few brushes so Momu has no excuse but to start painting again. I arrived at Meadowbrook around 10:25 hoping they were up and ready for Bingo at 10:45...they were fast asleep. I got Betty their aide to get them up, washed and dressed but it was no where in time for next time. I saw they hold it one afternoon during the week so perhaps that will work for them. I ate lunch with them and their two boy friends again and the food at Meadowbrook is quite tasty. I guess it's time for me to move in.
After lunch went back to her room and I took Poppa out the front to sit in the lasted just ten minutes when he said he needed to go back to the room since he was tired, again.
I left around 2:30 to drive back to NYC in the light of day.

Finally, Momu is in good spirits although she told her friend Renee on the phone while I was present they are going home soon to be with Kitty and will buy Poppa a toy bulldog. She is convinced of this although she recognizes Poppa's extreme decline during the past month or so. The pictures make him look quite attentive and happy but I'm sure other than being with Momu anything of interest in life remains. It's getter harder and harder for me to see him like this and I'm amazed that Erica and Dan are visiting almost daily.

Monday, November 28, 2011

We arrive at 4:10 - door was shut, lights were out and they were in their beds but woke up as soon as I opened the door. Popa immediately asked if we were staying for dinner - I think he thinks he is home?

Momu immediately went into needing her checkbook so she can but things. She understood Chris was doing the finances but said she could do them at MB when she visits and that the checkbook needs to be left with her.

Momu kept repeating 'Popa has lost it' and then goes into the continuos loop story of Townsend Harris School.

Momu put in her hearing aides but they did not work so she put new batteries in (thought she had just put in new batteries?)

We chatted for a while and then took them to the dining room for their dinner. Dan walked ahead with Popa and I was behind with Momu - she told me that Dad (Peter) was worried about them going home and while Momu did not disagreed she simply said to me she was not too happy with the idea of not going home. But she no longer talks about going home so I am sure she understands the situation.

I am going to get her 2 palette cups tomorrow - one for oil and one for the turp and then she can start painting

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

Road trip to NC for the holiday -blog to be continued when I return on Monday

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

We arrived at 12:40 (me, Dan and Phillip). It was 60 degrees and sunny so I convinced them to go outside - they did not want to go at first. We sat outside for almost an hour - Popa silent, Momu was in her normal mode of the continuous loop of story telling. Momu said to me that they should sit outside more often. And she is the one who did not want to go in the first place. Momu also has started saying Popa has 'lost it'. It makes her sad but I truly think is also confirms they are not going any place.

Popa was extremely tired and absent today - I asked him if he was tired and he said yes. Today was the first time in a while that he was noticeably weak and exhausted.

Dan got the leftover cake out of fridge and served them both the last two pieces.

Will bring over the turpentine later.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dan went to MB early evening for a solo visit. I opted for a 5pm yoga class, which I desperately needed.
Dan brought Popa a NY Yankee hat - he looked at Dan and said "I guess she wants me tower a hat.". Momu ranted again about the 'butcher' hair dresser. Dan also brought over some candy and nuts and Popa's glasses.

Dan asked both of them what they had for dinner, which they just finished, and neither could remember.

That's all folks.....

P.S. last week I finally found out why E entertainment was always on the TV in Popa's room. Last week he said put on channel '49' which is E at MB but was MSNBC in Pittsfield. So he really meant to be watching news instead of gossip - wait - I guess some news could be classified as gossip.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Arrived at 5:40 and they were still in the dining room. We did not bother them and just waited in the lobby. Popa came out first and was happy to see us. Momu came out a minute later and was so angry about Popa's haircut - she said when she sees the hair lady she is going to get it! Yes his haircut is short - it will grow back.

We got to their room and I set up her art stuff - she needs turpentine in order to paint. So I opened up the pastels and pad she got for her birthday and suggested she draw her doll. Off she went and I think she enjoyed it.

We will replenish candy and snack supply tomorrow but Momu keeps saying she needs candy for The Doctor - not going to buy stuff for other people but we will get some candy so she can give the doc as a thank you for her earrings.

We asked Momu if she brought her birthday cake to the dining room and she said yes, it is all gone - so that was good.

Popa's new thing is to ask us if we are coming tomorrow but he says it as soon as we get there. We will be bringing him a baseball hat - he does not like his haircut either. I told him I would bring him a Red Sox hat and he said "no way"

We said goodbye at 7 - but we did check the fridge and gee - what did we find, the birthday cake, untouched from Wednesdsy. We went back to their room. I told Momu the cake was still there and she then said 'what cake'. I sliced them two good size pieces and said goodnight again.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy 94th Birthday to Momu
Dan and I arrived at 4:30 with shrimp cocktail, pizza and Caesar salad. M&P ate pretty darn well. They kept saying "wow this is fantastic".  Momu then showed me her new earrings - the 'Doc' - resident that dines with them, brought Momu to his room and gave her the earrings - get your mind of the gutter people!  (On our way out, we chatted with the receptionist Dorothy and a nurse was there and we mentioned the Doc and the earrings, etc.  They both laughed and said he has a bag of costume jewelry and always likes to chat it up with the ladies.)

Even more fantastic was when we got to MB the room door was open and lights were all on and they were watching the news. Lots of good stories to talk about on MSNBC - Newt, Penn State, presidential primaries, etc. Makes for some great conversation!

Candles were lit and we all sang Happy Birthday. Yummy vanilla cake with fresh strawberries in middle and real whipped cream was enjoyed by everyone. Momu told Dan he made a great cake choice - she did not remember I had asked her what kind of cake she wanted.

A few cards arrived today - Paul and Nan sent Popa a belated bday card.
The best card to arrive, however (no offense to anyone else) was Momus bday card from Joanne which included a picture of Kitty! I taped the picture to the foot of Momu's bed so she can see it all the time.

Then a package was brought to the room - a very nice set of 'artist quality' pastels and a special charcoal pad. Momu really liked them. She also liked the nice floral calendar that came as part of the gift - I told her it was 2012 so input it away for a January appearance on her dresser and no negative reaction

I also brought over the doll that Joanne had given to her a while back - Momu was soooo happy and after dinner and cake she took the doll off the dresser and is lying in bed with it!

Lastly - Dan suggested we bring over a kitchen table with 4 chairs so when guests come there is a place to sit and have a snack. M&P both thought it was a good idea - but only when larger bed comes so there is some room.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A short visit tonight based on our schedules. We arrived at 4:15. We brought over Momu's easel, paints, pallets and canvas (which she had started months ago - portrait of President Obama). She was happy to have it all in her room and was surprised that she had painted more than she remembered. I also brought over her earrings and wedding band as she requested. She was very happy to have the jewelry. I did not bring her pocketbook. She wanted her pocketbook so she can write checks - for what I have no clue.

Dad (Peter) called while we were there - as Dan picked up the phone - Momu got up out of bed (room was dark and door was shut when we arrived) and as she headed towards the phone said "Peter - you know he got rid of the car - he said I can't drive anymore". Next time if there is a next time - we will remind her she can't dress herself let alone get behind the wheel!!

We discussed the birthday dinner menu - jumbo shrimp cocktail, pizza, Ceaser salad, beer and Cake. Momu thought she had no beer left but she has 5 left. Popa was extremely excited about the shrimp and cake. We will arrive around 4 tomorrow. Momu said she would prefer to go out, and I quickly said the weather willbe bad and she quickly said ok.

I signed them both up for hair appointments on Thursdsy - Popa needs a cut and Momu needs a set and color.

Tomorrow I will let the nurses know that Momu wants to do the 10:45 painting session on Thursdsy so she needs to be up and dressed. Momu wanted Popa to go to men's club today but he had no interest.

I hung the 3 birthday cards she received on the blinds - better than having them in the drawer.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

All 4 of us arrived at 12:45 (yep Lucy and Daisy). Momu was so happy to see the dogs and Daisy loved having Momu pet her.

We watched 2 Dean Msrtin DVDs - Momu was in the chair with her headphones, Popa in bed. Momu has a smile from ear to ear and was singing along and laughing out loud. While Popa kept his eyes closed most of the time, he was tapping his hands to the music.

We left at 3

To Family - phone calls are extremely important - please make 2-3 minutes in your schedule to call them daily - I don't think that is too much to ask and it makes them happy!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Late morning visit - arrived at 10 in hopes of taking them to Bingo at 10:45. Popa was up, showered and dressed. Momu still asleep in her pajamas. No bingo. We stayed until noon.

Popa said he felt old - I told him he was old. He said "old, 95, no way". I then said he was just feeling his age. He laughed.

Momu and I looked at the watercolor kit Valerie sent - she is going to give it a try.

Same stories, different day. While it was sunny outside, it was 40 degrees and windy - too cold for the courtyard.

Momu called me late afternoon asking me to bring her pocketbook and pearl earrings - I will bring the earrings over tomorrow (well, I will ha e them with me - if she asks I will give them to her)

We brought the power strip over and moved the TV.

Birthday cake was ordered today.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

I arrived solo at 5:45. They were both in the dining room eating ice cream. We chatted and then walked back to their room. I decided to sit near Popa and together we did a crossword puzzle. We chatted during the puzzle about many different things. Momu chimed in from across the room.
Although the same stories were told - what I noticed this week during my visits was no mention about going home. Rather the request for certain things from the house be brought over - I.e Don Rickles tapes.
Momu also said several times that Dad (Peter) would be so happy because Popa was walking alot!!
Dan called on his way home and Momu requested once slice of pizza which he brought over and which she ate completely.
We left at 7:30
Tomorrow we are planning on taking them to bingo at 10:45 am.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

We arrived around 4:15 and saw some beautiful flowers.  Card read:  Happy Belated 95th Herb and Happy Early 94th Zelma, Love the Haas Kids - Included were 2 very nice size Lindt chocolate bars - (so my picture editor is not working, so just tilt your heads. ) The flowers reminded Momu of some great Helen/John stories which always makes her smile.  Momu wants to know if Paul still sleeps with his blanket underneath his belly - as an infant/toddler the blanket would start out flat and end up scrunched up - it was a running joke with Momu and Helen

M&P were lying down in bed, but both awake - they did not even know it had been raining all day long - they were surprised when I told them.
Momu finished her book (Patricia Cornwall novel) and I had planned ahead and brought her the Novel Cavalier and Clay - I think she will like it.  I will bring a power strip with a long cord because the TV is not in a good place and needs to be moved.  Dan is busy tomorrow so I will go back after their dinner, fix the TV and plan to watch Jeopardy w/them.  I also told them we will do a Crossword Puzzle as a Group.

I will end with a very funny story - Momu said that the Doctor wrote her a prescription for arthritis medicine - the funny part was it was the Doctor (patient that sits at their dining table) who wrote it on a paper napkin.  The funniest part is that Momu told me to go get it filled.

I finally met Tracey, the activities director.  I told her I am bringing the paints/easel over this weekend.  I told her I understand they have to be kept in Momu's room because of the wanderers and toxicity of paints if anyone gets into them, etc.  Painting session is next Thursday.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dan and I arrived at 4:25. M&P were 'resting' but we woke them up. They were happy to see us and did not seem to even realize I hadn't seen them in 10 days. Momu is almost done with her book which is good. I was talking with Momu and Popa, from across the room, asked what day it was and then in same sentence said Tuesday. I cheered and said he got it right and he laughed!

I talked about painting with Momu and I will be setting her easel up in her room tomorrow.

Momu wanted to go to the dining early because she wanted to get there before the non wheel chair man showed up to take her seat. We were too late - so they have to sit across from each other instead of next to each other. Shrimp Stir-fry was on the menu.\

No repeating stories tonight, think the visit was too short to allow for it.  But the new one today was 'when we get home, we are getting a toy bull dog'

Monday, November 7, 2011

October 31st - November 6, 2011

Summary of week.... I am only the messanger:
Dan and Erica were in Florida for business this past week while the majority of Connecticut remained without power from the October surprise storm...the power finally came back on at their house in Simsbury around 8pm Sunday 11/6.

Meadowbrook ran on their emergency generator so it had heat and some lights until power came back on mid-week. Cable TV was also out and the phone lines were quite limited. The last blog Dan entered said that Momu and Poppa got a double bedroom after a month or more of waiting. They moved the two beds together but the building code requires 3' on three sides of each bed so they were moved back to opposite sides of the room. A special order was placed for a double hospital bed.

Peter, aka Dad visited Meadowbrook on Friday morning (11/4) and stayed through Sunday  (11/6) afternoon leaving just before dinner. Most of the visit was good although after lunch on Sunday both Momu and Poppa laid down for an afternoon nap and three hours later....

Dad stopped by our Simsbury house late on Saturday to say hi and retrieve Momu and Poppa's stereo, CDs and DVDs. he set it all up in their room and hopes that the aides can help them with the operation of both the stereo and the DVD player.

Dad spent two nights at their deserted and spooky Pittsfield home on Friday and Saturday. He brought back more clothing they requested and is thinking of moving some furniture to Meadowbrook once their double bed arrives and one half of the room could be arranged as a living, dressing, TV, music area. Their small kitchen table might fit in the corner of their bedroom. They have a wonderful sunny room with an open view of the courtyard that they should frequent more often. They are getting more exercise at Meadowbrook than at home having to walk to/from the dinning room three times daily.

Momu's 94th birthday is November 16th and Dad may return on the following weekend for a visit. Poppa asked several times when Dan and I would be stopping by and Dad told him many many times that they were clearing their yard of storm debris and would be by for visit during the week.

That's it for now and I've attached a few photos Dad took during his visit.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday and Sunday - October 29 & 30, 2011

Dan picked up the birthday cake on Saturday and headed to MB around 2:30. Snow started falling around 3 so Dan. Popa and Momu enjoyed a scrumptious cake. Dan asked Popa how it felt to be 95 and he said 'good, better than being dead' and then he laughed.

Snow was coming in fast so Dan left. All of Simsbury and Granby and surrounding towns are without power - that started around 4 pm on Saturday.

Major snow storm - war zone where we live -

Dan was able to barely get out and arrived at MB Sunday around 2:30 - as soon as he arrived they both asked for pizza and beer - Dan had to explain what was going on. We expect power to be out for a week!!

I wished Popa a happy birthday and told him I would see him in a week.

Dan left MB to find a hotel for the night - all either without power or sold out. But he found a pizza place open and ordered a pie and brought it to M&P and then will head home for another powerless and freezing cold night - I think we all need to applaud his efforts during this birthday weekend!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday October 28, 2011

An awesome thing happened today - Momu and Popa are now both occupying the same room #108 which faces out to the court yard. I was in flight while this happened. Dan went over during the move and brought over their TV. He took pictures - which he will have to post because a flaw with the iPad prevents me from posting pics to the blog

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday October 27, 2011

Dan and I arrived at 5:00 pm with the promised Chinese food - Won Ton Soup, Spare Ribs, General Tsao Chicken and Spring Rolls - hey at their age, what the heck!!  We all went into the Activity Room and sat down - I served M&P the hot soup and boy did they like it.  I brought over a large quart and they could have easily shared a small one and still had left over - then I served them both a spare rib, some rice, and 2 small pieces of chicken and one egg roll for Momu and a cold can of Bud.  Momu was in heaven and Popa starred at his food.  He had trouble with his fork today for some reason.  He was also spitting like crazy tonight.  So after about an hour - Momu took a few bites of her spare rib, and ate one small piece of chicken and her egg roll.  Popa ate one piece of chicken.  I cleaned up and then gave each of them an ice cream cup

We chatted during dinner - Momu's stories today were:  Townsend Harris School/entrance test and Basement Renovation - but today was the first time she said 'care givers' vs. mentioning Joanne by name...hmmmm.....

I am leaving for my trip tomorrow (Friday) and won't be back until the following Friday night - close to 11:30 pm.  Dan leaves for a business trip on Sunday and won't be back until end of week as well.  I told them I won't be seeing them for an entire week - they were sad.  Dan will visit with them tomorrow and also on Saturday - we ordered a great cake tonight - Chocolate cake, boston creme filling in between layers, and fresh whipped cream topping - Dan will pick it up on Saturday and celebrate Popa's 95th one day early - we felt it was important for someone to be there - although we had to tell him what Sunday was - and he was funny - we said it is your birthday and w/out hesitating, he said 'well then, happy birthday'.  We all got a good laugh at that.

We walked them back to their rooms - opened up cards they received from Valerie and Lysbeth Kennedy.  It was snowing outside (YES, snow on October 27th) so we headed out around 6:15.  On our way out, Popa said to us: "You guys are the best!"  Momu said we were the perfect couple.  Yep, as the author of this blog, I get to toot my own horn and Dan's as well!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Where do I begin... it was only me tonight (Dan bowls on Wed nights).  I wasn't going to go, got out of my PT appt and was feeling good but stiff, but once I got home, I decided to get in the car and go to MB - I needed gas and the gas station is right there, so what the heck.

I arrived at 5:30 - Momu and Popa were in the dining room.  Popa, as usual, looked surprised and happy to see me.  Momu immediately told me there was an incident w/Popa during dinner.  I decided to let them finish their meal and I waited in the lobby on the couch.  I was talking with the receptionist Dorothy - she thinks they are the cutest couple and even she thought they were moving into a double room this week.  So it is clear the entire facility understands the significant desire for them to be in the same living quarters.

Momu came out of the dining room about 15 minutes later - I gave her pistachios and she was happy as a clam and went right to them.  She then went back to the one story she has been telling me 3-4 times during my past 3 visits (about Townsend Harris school, how the school started, how Popa took the entrance test, which was very hard, etc.).  I truly think this story is triggered by her also telling me every time lately that she used to be married to a brilliant man and he has completely lost it.  I then told her I read an article about how we all come 'full circle' and that most people go back to infancy stage in their later years.  She was surprised to hear this and I think she liked hearing it - i.e. Popa is not alone in his behavior.  She said 'life was funny sometimes'.  I told her that was the understatement of the year.  She laughed.  I also asked if she had regular appointments with the MB Social Workers.  She said no, she only met them one time.  I then said, well, that is only based on what you remember, she again laughed and said I was right, so maybe she is meeting with them regularly - if not, she needs to if that is an option.  She asked me for her credit card - same old reason, I again changed the subject.

Then she told me  that Popa said some inappropriate things to one of the guys at their table during dinner (the doctor guy, don't know his name).  She proceeded to tell me she could not eat in the dining room anymore because of Popa's behavior and they would have to eat in their rooms. I wasn't there and can't provide specifics, but have put this together based on what Momu said and also what the Doctor said when he came out of the dining room - so the story may go something like this....

Popa may have been coughing, the doctor said something - I think to offer him something, Popa said something back like "go fuck yourself'.  Then, based on what the doctor told me - I believe the doctor made a 'jew' comment because the doctor told me he did say something to the fact that he could tell Popa was jewish by the way he said his inappropriate comment.  The doctor said he was angry and lashed out.  He told me understood Popa's condition and he told me the guys worked it out in the dining room.  Momu was listening to what the doctor was saying and I think felt better that the doctor forgave Popa and agreed to not have tables changed.  Popa came out and they talked and Popa said he was sorry and I had to tell him he said some inappropriate things - he did not remember, but his face told me he felt bad.

The doctor left, said no hard feelings.  I sat with Momu and Popa in the lobby for about another 15 minutes.  Popa was silent, Momu was telling me all kinds of stories from her childhood.  Then we went upstairs.  The both got into Momu's bed.  Popa then said to her "I love you even if you behave badly'. I told Momu she needed to tell him the same thing and she did.  They are soooo looking forward to being in the same room.

I took their Chinese Food order - Dan and I will be eating with them tomorrow night at MB.  Gee, guess what they want - no surprise here - won ton soup, spare ribs, egg roll (only for Momu) and General Tsao Chicken.  I also told the nurse that we would be bringing dinner.

I really felt like Momu's therapist today but all in a good way - it was actually a very nice visit and I will have them out of their room as much as possible in the future.  Left at 6:40

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday October 25, 2011

Dan and I arrived at MB at 5:30 - I went into the dining room and found Popa staring at his plate - perogies - he said it did not appeal to him.  I left him to eat and went upstair to Momu's room- Dan was already w/her talking (she felt fine, but did not feel like eating in the dining room w/Popa - she said he is doing things to embarass her - i.e. said again that he is not the brilliant man she married - this has been a repeated thing with her and I then go into my 'circle of life' speech.  Momu requested pizza and beer (3 beers to be specific, she wanted to get drunk)- Dan went out to get it.

Dan came back with a small pizza w/meatballs, onions and peppers and only 1 cold 16oz Bud.  Dan also got himself a 24oz PBR.  I left them to finish and went downstairs to retrieve Popa from the dining room.  He was finishing his chocolate ice cream and had eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - did not touch the hot entree.

I brought Popa to Momu's room and all 4 of us chatted for a while about diff things.  It was a very nice visit - we arrived and Momu was not in a great mood and we left and she was feeling just fine and only ended up having 1 piece of pizza and not even 1/2 of her beer.  The rest of the pizza pie went to the nurses - they were very thankful

While Dan was out getting the food, Momu only mentioned Joanne and the basement once - I decided to just ignore her - she was calm and I knew she would move onto a diff subject w/in minutes.  I then heard all the Uncle Mike stories that Dan heard yesterday.  I also heard alot of stories about the ring business and her working, being held up, etc.

We gave Popa his watch and he was happy.   Popa asked me how I was, I said good and then I asked him how he was - he said "fine, I think".  He clearly knows he can't remember shit anymore and has just accepted it and at times jokes about it.

We left at 7:15

So even though a double room does not look promising any time soon (we found this out today, but the social worker at MB will be the one to discuss it with Momu and Popa) MB is a great place and the nurses and staff are fantastic.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday October 24, 2011

Dan made tonights visit:  I got to MB just after dinner tonight and entered to see m & p sitting on the couch in the lobby. Momu was very tired and needed to rest before going up. She jokingly said it feels like she worked all day but all she did was get dressed. I heard all new stories about her uncle mike the cop and some of the things he did in ww1- actually really cool if you think about it and all the history she has in her mind. I got Popa a new watch band for his watch but I forgot it at home, I will bring it over tomorrow. He did not seem to care as five minutes after he ate dinner he did not know what he had. His response was it must not have been exciting haha

As soon as he got to his room he asked for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a chocolate milkshake. Momu was very tired and a bit dizzy but in good spirits. Jokingly she said if they don't get a room together that they are going to leave.  She was joking and the best part was she started packing up some stuff in her room to move into a double - NOT to go home! 

I mentioned that me and Erica would bring in Chinese food some time this week. Erica is leaving on Friday for a week and I leave on Sunday.   I will visit on Friday and Saturday and I get back Thursday so I can visit on Friday. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I did not get to MB today - I feel bad but will visit tomorrow after work and after my PT appointment

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Today was a really good visit.  Longer than I usually stay, but they were both so talkative that I just stayed.  Not one word of negativity from Momu in the entire 2 hours I was there, that is unbelievable and quite the break through.  I arrived solo at 4:45 pm.
1. Popa was not sleeping and was excited to see me. He did not look as tired today and even asked me for his comb because he wanted to comb his hair before going to the dining room.
2. Momu was also awake, in her room (still stunk like heck), but she looked so much better today.  I knew she would be in a better mood because she called me during the day to ask me to bring her some pistachios. (took pistachios home, if she has diverticulitis no nuts allowed)   She DID NOT CALL ME to complain!!

I took Popa down to the dining room, he said hello to the gentleman at the table and said Hi to a few people on his way down.
I went back up to Momu - she was still a bit nervous about leaving her room and wanted to give it one more day before eating in the dining room.  She was in good spirits, I told her however, no pistachios for now, I don't want her stomach to go backwards and feel bad again, she totally agreed!!!
She then talked about the basement again and renting it to nurses - I told her she told me that yesterday and I told her it was a bad idea - she said, really??  I said yes, I said Popa can't go home.  I asked her if she wanted to leave without him - of course she said no way.  I then proceeded to tell her the good news about gertting a double room together - she was so excited and couldn't believe it. She smiled. 
She then went back to the 'going home' thing.  Again, I told her Popa can't leave and she asked me why.  I said:
He can't take care of himself.
The nurse then came in to change her heart patch.  Momu asked what it was for and she could not believe she needs this every day all the time.  She said she never had it at home and I said, Exactly!!  Probably why she landed herself in the hospital.  I then decided to be blunt - I told her she called me in early August to come over.  I told her we got to the house, she was passed out in bed, locked in her room (we found the key), Popa was not dressed and had not eaten in 2 days, 2 women were waiting for them to go to dinner (Momu forgot about the dinner date).  When she heard all of this,she could not believe it.  I said she landed in the hospital because she did not get the right medicine and was totally overwhelmed  with trying to take care of Popa.  She did not say another word.
Her dinner came, she ate meatballs and then again asked me about going home and I said the same thing.  I said things will feel alot better when they are in the same room, I will bring a big tv over, bring a dvd player over and even bring her easel over.  She smiled.  I said lets take one day at a time and she agreed, WOW!
I went down to the dining room to get Popa - brought him to Momu's room and then got them both ice cream - Popa wanted Vanilla, could not believe it, Momu and I laughed.  She had her usual strawberry.  Oh, did I mention she enjoyed her BUD while eating her meatballs - I got the ok from the nurse.  I also told Popa they would be together next week and he smiled so.    When he entered Momu's room, he was all lovey dovey and they kissed and were so happy to see each other.  I really believe once they are in the same room she will settle down.

We all chatted for a while, both in good moods.  I told them Paul and Paula would be visiting tomorrow and they were both very happy - Momu had nothing but good things to say about them - yippeeeee.
I also said I would bring some chinese food over when she felt better, she was excited about this.  And finally she told me about a funny movie that she watched a few years ago - something about naked men and a piano - enough said.

I left 2 hours after I arrived and left in a really good mood.

P.S.  Joanne - please be warned, Momu left you a voicemail on your cell phone.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I did not know what to expect upon arrival today because Momu called Dad twice this morning telling him she needed to get the hell out of Meadowbrook.
I went into see Popa first - he was resting and woke up right away. He looked really tired today - but he got a shave!!! He walked into Momu's room and wanted to know if she was going downstairs for dinner. She said no so I walked Popa down. Almost at the elevator I heard him say 'Erica, Erica" turned around to find him standing with his pants at his feet. I laughed - asked where his belt was - he said he did not need a belt. I pulled his pants up, folded down the waist band and off to the dining we went. Chicken Marsala - he was happy.

I went back into Momu's room - still has some odor but I got passed it and sat on the edge of her bed. First thing was she told me that she needed to find a facility in Pittsfield because Meadowbrook was making her sick. Good news was she did not say she had to go home. I explained that they ran some tests and there was blood in her stool and they were waiting for some additional results before deciding how to treat her. She did not realize she may have more than an upset stomach. She then said she was fine before arrival at MB (going to abbreviate from now on) which is when I reminded her she was not fine and she was in the hospital for 2 weeks.

Then Dorothy told me that Momu had not picked out their meal choice for the period starting October 30th. I explained that to Momu and she said she would not be there that long. I decided to talk straight with her. I said Yes you will be here. Then she again asked for her credit card to start basement renovation. This time she is going to rent it out to 2 nurses from BCC and Momu would have a buzzer for when she needed help. Momu asked me if I thought that was a good idea. I said NO - told her Popa can't go home, she can't take care of him and he can't take care of himself. Popa needs to stay at MB and reminded her the most important thing was for them to stay together. She agreed and looked sad. We talked about 'circle of life' and the current situation was what it was. I told her they are still working on a double room and she smiled and said that would be wonderful.

Momu and I talked for about an hour - good memories of her best friend Helen and their kids. It was sweet. She also told me she was sad that Stephanie hasn't called yet. She got teary.

I left and had a chat with nurse on duty. The nurse confirmed that Momu's memory was as bad as Popa's. And this has resulted in Momu ringing the nurse buzzer all day long for the same thing!

Momu wants to paint and was upset she missed the session today. She has no interest in knitting.

I will continue to be as matter of fact as possible each and every time I visit with her.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

No visit today - had a PT appt and the schedule just did not work.  I will be visiting Thursday for sure.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meadowbrook Mailing Address and Info

For those friends and family that want to stay in touch with Momu and Popa - aka Herbert and Zelma Krasnow, address is as follows:

Meadowbrook of Granby
350 Salmon Brook Street
Granby, CT 06035
T:    860-653-9888
F:    860-653-8938
Cell:    917-675-2747 Speak real loud when my mom answers

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dad, Mark, Max and Maya visited with Momu and Popa for about an hour and a half (I had to work).  They were ok but very tired.  In fact, Momu was nodding off just before they went down to the dining room for lunch.
Dad met with Marlene (onsite Medicare expert) to review current medicare status (because Momu could not get PT or OT last week because she was very sick).  Medicare sees this as a patients refusal and therefore the Medicare coverage stops and patient becomes Private Pay - seems totally stupid to me.  Especially witnessing that Momu could barely walk to Popa's room on Sunday because she was extremely weak and dizzy from being sick all last week. 

Status on a double room:  Opening up of a double room is moving very slowly but M&P are number one on the list.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday October 17th 2011

I (Peter) am authoring today's blog for yesterday's visit to Meadowbrook since Erica was working all day.

Mark, Max, Maya and I arrived at Meadowbrook around 11 am and met Momu and Poppa in their rooms. Momu was dressed and put her makeup on and then we visited for an hour before their lunchtime. Poppa has been having his lunchtime meal in the first floor dining room while Momu was recovering from her stomach problems. She is fine again and said she would join Poppa for lunch for the first time in the dining room. We walked them down and the Activity Director Tracy gave them a corner table by themselves. Momu ate her entire meal while Poppa said he wasn't hungry.

Afterwards, we sat in the courtyard for about a half an hour in the sun. They looked good (photo attached). Then they were tired and asked to take them upstairs to lie down. We then left for our lunch.

When we returned at dinner time we found them both in the dining room at the same table but this time with two men that Poppa had been sitting with the week before. Momu was engaged in conversation, which I took as a really good sign. (photo attached)

After dinner we went to the second floor activity room where Momu instructed Maya on knitting while Poppa watched Max answer flash card math questions with various coin amounts. He was impressed, as was I.

Poppa was tired and I took him back to his room while the others remained in the activity room for another 1/2 hour. All in all a pretty positive day and hopefully they will continue to eat meals in the dining room where when they are seated an aide comes to their table and says "I am your waitress what would you like to eat and drink?"

This morning Mark, Max, Maya and I will visit folks before lunch and leave for New York City afterwards. I'm hoping the realization that Meadowbrook is a safe environment for them as Poppa turns 95 on October 30th and Momu 94 on November 16th.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Me, Mark, Max, Maya and Dad arrived at Meadowbrook today at 11:30 am. Momu was still not feeling well but the good news is the nurse told us she only went to bathroom once in last 24 hrs so that means I knew the end was in sight.

We visited with Popa - he was happy to see the kids and Mark. It was a georgeous day so we took him outside to sit in the courtyard. We stayed until lunch was served. Popa is now eating lunch in the main dining room and sits with 2 other gentleman residents - he has been doing this for the past week.

We said goodbye and told Popa we would come back later

The kids had a fun filled day of activity - apple picking, core maze and lunch.

Momu called Dad's cell around 1:00 and told him she was feeling better and wanted us to visit now. So after our late lunch we went back to Meadowbrook - go there around 2:45. I took the kids right into Momus room and she was soooooo happy to see them. However her room was a bit smelly so she walked to Popa's room - right next door but because she has been sick, she is weak and felt dizzy walking.

Some pictures were taken and about 90 minutes later Momu said she was tired so she went to rest and we left. Momu brought up the basement renovation and taking in a college student as a boarder 3 or 4 times in the short amount of time we were there.

We will visit again tomorrow

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dad came into town because Mark, Max and Maya were flying in for a visit. We met Dad at Meadowbrook at 3:30. Popa was awake and happy to see us. I got him an ice cream sandwich from freezer since he wanted a snack before dinner. I also suggested he needed to do something and he agreed to give the crossword puzzles a try. Momu stomach issues continued and the medicine is working if you know what I mean. Momu is very upset about being sick and did not want any company yesterday. She was very emotional.

I am hoping Momu feels better on Sunday since the entire gang will go over before lunchtime for a visit. The weather looks to be great so we will sit in the courtyard.

Oh yeah - Dad returned Popa's wallet and he was very relieved!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Dan went over around 3:15 since I was at work and we had dinner plans with friends. Both were sound asleep in their respective beds. He left

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where do we start today, Erica and I went over for a visit at about 5 o'clock and stayed till almost 7.  I saw nurse Dorothy before we got to their room and she told me she just finished cleaning Momu up. (can we say supository). We walked in to Momu moaning with pain and her stomach very extended. She had called the nurse who was there to look at her stomach. Typical Momu when she does not feel well does not want visitors (Erica and I are exempt from this rule) and immediately said she could not see Mark and kids this weekend. Erica told her she will feel better in a day or so and she agreed. She is hoping to have some pizza and beer on Sunday!
 Her heart patch was changed and when the nurse touched her stomach she was in pain, the nurse realized that she had a 101.1 fever and gave her some tylenol and went to call the Dr. as she was concerned about the abdominal pain. Momu will get a belly X-ray tonight. They will also collect a specimin from bathroom.  After a half an hour of in and out of sleep, she perked up with our visit and said she was fine just was angry that she was sick, what does that mean?  
Popa greeted us with his usual questions every day, what day is it, where are we, how long of a drive is it to our house and so on.   However today he was really confused, asking lots of questions about his money, asked if he could rent out his house, asked what he was getting from social security, what his mutual funds were doing. The nurse told Erica that Popa has a session with the physchiatrist and that usually makes the residents very confused and riled up. The one thing Popa said he clearly remembers was that we spent $ 1000 dollars on a dumb dog.  He said he will never forget that. He was concerned he could not find his wallet, we assured him that Peter has it and was bringing it back.
Today he ate lunch in the dining room and clearly remembered having veal parm because he said it was great. He said he now weighs in at 138.5, so he is gaining weight.  

Until Momu's tummy issue is figured out she is on clear liquids only and once she had some broth she got some color back and  was still in and out of sleep and groaning.  

Poppa once again started to slip out of the walker seat which he should not be using as a chair, I picked him up before he fell and he said "I cant believe its me, SHIT I am as weak as a fish"  He had swedish meatballs for dinner and then some jello.   Popa said several times that he could not believe what was happening - meaning aging.

We left with Popa telling us how grateful he was for our being there and how lucky they are to have us around. We told them they did a good job with their family and that we were lucky to have them. We are set to see them tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday October 12, 2011

No visit today - had to work late and had an appointment - will visit tomorrow

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday October 11, 2011

Dan and I arrived at 5:15 pm. We were greeted by Nurse Ansha in the hallway. She told us Momu was not feeling well. Had stomach issues and was in a lot of discomfort earlier (they gave her a supository). Ansha told us Momu said she was dying - which means it must have been very painful. Knowing this we went to Popa's room to find him finishing dinner. As usual, he asked us our reason for the visit. He also said he was feeling 'blah' but no tummy issues, just blah. I asked him if he wanted to rest and he said yes and asked that we come back tomorrow. Momu's door was shut - Dan peeked in, she was fast asleep. We also know she did not want any dinner.

I will go back tomorrow but told Ansha that is Momu woke up and needed anything to call me.

So given today's visit I know they are in the right environment. If at home, Momu would be locked in her room and would have probably consumed gin to alleviate stomach issue. Popa would have not eaten anything because at home he relied on Momu for that.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Samantha here....

I went over for my last trip to visit them before I go back to school in the morning. Momu was sitting in the chair starring at her dinner while Popa already ate most of his meal and was lying in bed. I brought them a slice of challah to eat. Momu told me they fed Popa a good meal and she got crap. He got a meatball sub and she got dumplings and rice. She asked for something else so the nurse went and called the kitchen. It would take a little while for her new meal.

We brought over an apple pie yesterday that we never got to. So today I asked popa if he wanted some apple pie. He said wheres the ice cream. I said you want ice cream? He said with the apple pie of course. So popa had a big piece of apple pie and a whole cup of ice cream! Momu then started to get up and I asked where she was going. She said she was going to her room to lay down. I said her food will be here shortly and she said when they finally come back tell them to "shove it". She was upset that Popa got a good meal and she didn't like hers and that it was taking a long time for her food to come.

Popa finished his pie and ice cream and then said "this was breakfast right?" I said no it was dinner. He asked what time is it? I said 5:45pm. He then said "oh boy I'm fucked up". He then went to lay down and so I thought I'd say my goodbyes before they'd both fall asleep. Popa said he wants me back "sooner than later"!!

Momu requested a slice of pizza from Erica and Dan. she wants all the "stuff on it". They will bring that tomorrow.

Erica's addition:  I am not sure if Momu's being upset 'about the food' was truly about the food versus her continued delusion about making their basement a home for a college student to pay them rent and be a 24/7 Nurse to Popa.  I am sure I will here more tomorrow when I visit. But will stay on plan.

For anyone calling or planning a visit, please stick to the below message, which is based on advise from the Social Worker:

  • Mom, I know you are sad about leaving the home;
  • You took care of Dad as long as you could;
  • Caring for him made you sick;
  • There are not adequate funds for you to hire enough help at home; and
  • You will need to stay at Meadowbrook for the care that both you and Dad need.
Because Momu is forgetful, she will ask these questions over and over.  This is typical and sometimes can go on for a very long time.  Gentle validation of her feelings and reinforcement of the actual plan is generally the best tactic.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

We arrived at 11:45 to find Momu and Popa sleeping in Popa's room. We walked them down to the activity room in their floor in order to get better wifi reception. Momu and Popa got to video chat with the Florida great grandkids. They both had smiles on their face the whole time.

We then went bsck to their room to wait for their lunch to come. During the 20 minutes before lunch arrived Momu kept repesting 'her plan' about refinishing the basement and having s college student pay them to live there AND take care of Popa full-time. We keep telling her that is not a realistic or feasible option. But I would not be surprised if she tried to call Joanne to have her husband start on putting a bathroom in the basement.

I left with Dan and Samantha around 1:00. Dad stayed for another hour and took Popa outside while Momu finished her lunch.

Late in the afternoon Momu realized she did not have a credit card to give to Joanne to start the basement project. She said she was angry but she could wait until next Sunday when Dad(Peter) came back. I must say while Popa does not know where he is - he is happy about getting fed consistently and pretty content. Momu, on the other hand has memory issues as well but is also delusional.

It sucks to get old

Take 2: Saturday October 8, 2011

Authored by Dad, aka Peter, aka Son:
Erica and Dan went to their Lake House and Samantha went over to Meadowbrook around 11 am to play bingo with Momu and Poppa. Each was asleep in their beds with their pajamas still one. Later we learned they were up earlier for breakfast and then just laid down to rest.
Peter went to Pittsfield to get a few things last night and stayed over. He packed the car and drove to the Diner residence to drop off items for use at a later date: lounge chairs, more videos, TV remotes and lots of plants. Some plants were left behind while a few others given to Joanne when she showed up to collect her Home Instead records. She plans to visit Momu and Poppa and misses them dearly.
Samantha and I arrived at Meadowbrook after lunch around 1 PM. They were up and looking good. We spent the afternoon with them and sat in the beautiful Meadowbrook patio area in the sun, which they was in the mid-seventies. Both were weighed by an aide: Momu at 100 even; Poppa at 133.
Samantha left to spend time with a close friend and I ventured to take them out to dinner at a local good restaurant Antonio's. The two of them with walkers was challenging but it went smoothly. They ate well and enjoyed themselves starting off with the classic Martini and Bloody Mary (Momu and Poppa respectively). I got a Bloody Mary too since Momu said make that two before I could order...I went along to keep the peace.
So from 4:30 to 6:30 everything was fine and after bringing them back to Meadowbrook I said good night and stay with the Dinners. Over all a very good day although Momu keeps saying "when we get home it will be fine because I have this plan to add bathroom in the basement for a student to be with us". I keep reinforcing that they have no money but it won't sink it so from here on in I just respond "we'll see" and then I shut up.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday, October 8th

Samantha here...

I went over this morning at 10:45 am to play Bingo with Momu and Popa. Went upstairs to find Popa sleeping in Momu's bed and Momu sleeping in Popa's bed. Both were sound asleep. Decided to leave and not disturb them.

I went back around 2pm with Papa Peter to visit. Popa was wide awake sitting in a big chair next to the window sill. Momu was awake lying in bed. We talked for a few minutes and Momu believes she has a brilliant plan on how to live in their house again. She says she can charge 15 dollars for a college boy to live in their basement. Her friend is a plumber and they can put a bathroom in the basement. That way she can make all her money back to be able to take care of popa. I didn't want to have momu cry again so I just nodded along. The nurses say we should continue to tell her she is not leaving but I'd rather not say anything and just let momu talk. I finally heard the Milk story!! And many other stories that I've heard before.

After Popa asking more than 12 times, Popa's egg salad sandwich finally came. When it came he asked what it was and why its here. We decided to take it outside and go sit on the patio. Momu sat in the sun and read some of her book while Popa sat in the shade and ate his sandwich. Half of which was spit onto the floor. We sat outside for an hour or so and then Momu said its time to go lay down. At this point I left.

Papa Peter is taking them out to a restaurant for dinner. Goodluck to him!

It sucks to get old.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday October 7, 2011

Today was an important day - the long term plan was presented to Momu and Popa.  Dad (aka Peter, son) arrived at Meadowbrook around 9:30 am, met with the entire staff and then brought Momu and Popa into the discussion.  The message to Momu (Popa is passive and will go along with anything) is that it is Unsafe to be at home without 24/7 help.  She is unable to take care of Popa, let along herself.  At Meadowbrook all their daily needs are being taken care of and addressed.  They are getting 3 square meals a day, the meds are being monitored, their activity/therapy is being given daily.  This was NOT happening at home and as a result, Momu ended up completely overwhelmed and stressed, resorted to some extra beer and gin and ended up in the hospital.

The day progressed nicely, Samantha and I AND DAISY arrived around noon.  Everyone was so happy to see Daisy, but Momu was very happy to see Samantha, as was Popa.  The other great thing that happened today is that Momu moved into a private room, right next door to Popa.  Not yet together in the same room, but a HUGE step in the right direction!  Relief that helped with the delivery of the Long Term Plan.  Momu and Popa fed Daisy some of their lunch, thankfully it was baked chicken.  Samantha, Daisy and me left around 2:00.

Samantha and I went back to Meadowbrook around 4:00 pm, Popa was in Momu's bed in her new room.  We started talking about stuff and were watching Dr. Oz having a nice visit.  But then somehow a 'chair' from the house was mentioned and Momu sort of snapped.  She said to keep stuff in their house for when they come home.  Dad then had to remind Momu of the meeting in the morning about how it was unsafe to go home, Popa needed to be here, etc.  She then started to cry. She went into the bathroom.  Dad then proceeded to tell Popa that Momu was upset because we want her to stay at Meadowbrook.  Again, Popa is passive and will go along with whatever.  Momu came out of the bathroom, still sobbing and sad.  Samantha went to the liquor store to get her some Beefeaters Gin and olives.  We gave her a small amount.  We all ended up leaving about 5:50 and she was still crying.

It is sad, it sucks to get old, but for whoever is reading this - the social workers and staff at Meadowbrook all agree we all have to be consistent with the message - "it is unsafe to go home, Popa needs to be supervised around the clock, and the most important thing is that the are together under the same roof".