Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mark was able to do an overnight in Hartford for work - Dan picked him up from airport and they arrived at Meadowbroom around 3:15. I arrived at 3:40 and left st 4:15 for a PT appointment.

Momu's hearing was bad today - she tried to use the hearing aides but I don't think she knows how to use them - she keeps taking the batteries out. So as a result she was not as engaged in conversation with Mark as she could have been.

Popa was a bit more alert - but that just means he had his eyes opened vs. closed - still did not really engage in conversation.

Momu finished another book - so that means she must be spending alot of time in the bathroom - some things never change. Let's see if she selects another book by herself - she knows where they are.

Mark and Dan stayed another 30 minutes after I left.

Momu put a date to her departure of MB - day after Christmas. I wasn't there when she announced it, so I will have another discussion with her tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Erica, I don't get on the blog as often as I would like. Weeks go by but I love catching up! It's so sad to see the continual decline of such brilliant, vibrant, wonderful people. You have to have humor to deal with all this and you do and you have a great way of telling it so that it's fresh and not repetitive---even if Momu's stories are!!! Sometimes I LOL (really) when I read it. You and Dan are doing a fantastic job caring for them. Can I hire you when we get old and need help!?!?!?!!??!
    Thanks for doing the blog so we can "visit",
    Lysbeth Haas Kennedy
