Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

I arrived solo at 5:45. They were both in the dining room eating ice cream. We chatted and then walked back to their room. I decided to sit near Popa and together we did a crossword puzzle. We chatted during the puzzle about many different things. Momu chimed in from across the room.
Although the same stories were told - what I noticed this week during my visits was no mention about going home. Rather the request for certain things from the house be brought over - I.e Don Rickles tapes.
Momu also said several times that Dad (Peter) would be so happy because Popa was walking alot!!
Dan called on his way home and Momu requested once slice of pizza which he brought over and which she ate completely.
We left at 7:30
Tomorrow we are planning on taking them to bingo at 10:45 am.

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