Monday, November 7, 2011

October 31st - November 6, 2011

Summary of week.... I am only the messanger:
Dan and Erica were in Florida for business this past week while the majority of Connecticut remained without power from the October surprise storm...the power finally came back on at their house in Simsbury around 8pm Sunday 11/6.

Meadowbrook ran on their emergency generator so it had heat and some lights until power came back on mid-week. Cable TV was also out and the phone lines were quite limited. The last blog Dan entered said that Momu and Poppa got a double bedroom after a month or more of waiting. They moved the two beds together but the building code requires 3' on three sides of each bed so they were moved back to opposite sides of the room. A special order was placed for a double hospital bed.

Peter, aka Dad visited Meadowbrook on Friday morning (11/4) and stayed through Sunday  (11/6) afternoon leaving just before dinner. Most of the visit was good although after lunch on Sunday both Momu and Poppa laid down for an afternoon nap and three hours later....

Dad stopped by our Simsbury house late on Saturday to say hi and retrieve Momu and Poppa's stereo, CDs and DVDs. he set it all up in their room and hopes that the aides can help them with the operation of both the stereo and the DVD player.

Dad spent two nights at their deserted and spooky Pittsfield home on Friday and Saturday. He brought back more clothing they requested and is thinking of moving some furniture to Meadowbrook once their double bed arrives and one half of the room could be arranged as a living, dressing, TV, music area. Their small kitchen table might fit in the corner of their bedroom. They have a wonderful sunny room with an open view of the courtyard that they should frequent more often. They are getting more exercise at Meadowbrook than at home having to walk to/from the dinning room three times daily.

Momu's 94th birthday is November 16th and Dad may return on the following weekend for a visit. Poppa asked several times when Dan and I would be stopping by and Dad told him many many times that they were clearing their yard of storm debris and would be by for visit during the week.

That's it for now and I've attached a few photos Dad took during his visit.

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