Monday, June 18, 2012

Friday June 15, 2012

Samantha went to MB just after their dinner time, 5:45.  She went over with the intent of doing Momu's fingernails with the fake press on nails that Momu wanted.  Samantha got their and found out Momu had her nails painted earlier in the day, so the fake nails are being returned.

As soon as Samantha arrived, Momu 'told' her to get pizza and beer because they did not like their egg salad sandwiches that were served for dinner.  Samantha picked up a small pie and a can of beer and delivered them back to MB. Momu ate, Popa started to eat, but then ended up spitting out what he did try to eat.  A bit digusting actually.

Samantha was going to go back for a Saturday visit (I was out of town all weekend), but Momu left me her famous voice mail telling me she was in a rotten mood and would not be good company so don't come.

Let's see what this week brings.

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