Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!
Samantha visited MB for a few hours this afternoon. When she arrived Momu was not dressed and sad she felt sad. Samantha asked why and she said... I realize I can't take care of Popa anymore and I think that means we have to stay here for a while longer. Perhaps a breakthrough into reality? I will see if I get the same message tomorrow.

Samantha brought Momu a big slice of pizza which she gobbled up. Samantha also got them both milkshakes from the MB kitchen.

I will continue to bring Momu books - have enough in my house for a while. I am also going to have to come up with a visit schedule since January starts tax season and also my race training and also the start of Dan's new job which will have him traveling almost 4 days a week. I think I should be able to manage 3 times a week

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday December 27, 2011

Me, Dan and Samantha went for a short pre dinner visit - got there at 4 pm. Door was shut, TV was on, both were awake.

Before I got to their room, Amy, the social worker stopped me in the hallway and told me Momu told her today that there was a family member who was critically ill. Amy did not mention any name. I told her my dad was sick with flu like symptoms and that is when Amy told me Momu told her that dad was very sick with brain cancer. I just looked at her and said "wow"! So Momu has somehow connected Dads not feeling well to his tumor issue from the 90's.

We chatted about random things - most of which has been talked about alot lately - toy bull dog, my moms wedding, etc. Momu does understand that dad is sick and won't come to MB until he is better which is good. However she has made a direct association with dads next visit to him taking them home.

She also said that they are going to have a huge 75th wedding anniversary party is they are still around.

Samantha and I will bring the dogs over tomorrow and play some boggle.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday December 26, 2011

We were not planning a MB visit today because Paul and Paula were visiting. However, around 4:50 this afternoon Momu called and asked Samantha to bring over some hoop earrings and Gin when she comes. Around 6:30 Samantha decided she wanted to visit and went over with earrings and a beer. Momu has Gin at MB already. Samantha played Boggle again, watched Foodnetwork and chatted with Momu and heard stories she hadn't heard before. Samantha stayed about 3 hours and when Popa started to take his pants off, she left :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sunday December 25, 2011

Samantha, the Angel, arrived around 3:15 pm solo while her Mommy cooked for out holiday dinner at our friends house later.
Momu still in nightgown when she arrived. But Samantha planned ahead and had some goodies/treats in hand:
Gingerbread cookie decorating kit
BBQ chips

Samantha also took out Boggle:

Samantha said it was really sad that Popa does not know how to play Boggle anymore - then in an instant, he will remember and write down the same 4 words.  She is emotional remembering how he used to beat us all!  He kept saying to her "what are we supposed to do.  there are no words here."  Then he thinks and gets words.  10 minutes later he was whipping out 5 letter words..

If you notice carefully, the easel is empty (picture of Momu above).  She has started to pack up all her stuff.

I am planning on going over tomorrow, but given it is the 'big day in her mind', I may not.  I will see how my day goes.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday December 24, 2011

Samantha here,

I walked in at 4 pm, papa said look my sweetie is here what a surprise. Then he asked where Erica and Dan were. I said they will come tomorrow. Momu was dressed up with jewelry and a big scarf. I said she looked nice and she said it wasn't easy!

Momu brought up a story about Peter and I mentioned that Peter wasn't feeling good and that today is Chris's birthday. She said she was going to call Peter to tell him to go to the doctor and wish Chris a happy birthday. If she remembers...

This conversation brought up that Momu wonders what Christopher is doing and if she will see him soon.

I heard the same stories from Momu:
1. she needs her jewelry box in order to go home
2. She wonders if kitty remembers her
3. Popa isn't the same as he used to be
4. When they get home I need to get them a young toy bulldog

Popa was alert today but continued to ask how he can eat without his wallet. I explained that it comes with the room. He said okay and asked again 5 minutes later. I'll either go back tomorrow or Monday. I notice that I make Popa happy and he loves me sitting with him. So I'll go as often as I can while I am home!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday December 21, 2011

Samantha and I arrived at 3:00 pm. Door shut, lights off and Momu was in her nightgown. I asked her if she was feeling ok and she said she was really depressed. She just wants to go home.

Valerie sent a card so I turned the light on and she read the card. Then Samantha went to get ice cream for them - strawberry for Momu and chocolate for Popa. Momu cheered up a bit and was talkative. She is going to call Dad and have him arrange for food in the house so they can leave a few days after Christmas. I did not really acknowledge her words.

Samantha asked Momu why she hasn't painted and she said it would still be wet when they were ready to go home and it would get ruined.

We turned the Foodnetwork on and watched. We left after 4 and told Momu if she got dressed tomorrow we would come play boggle after dinner.

Momu called me about an hour after I got home and reminded me to bring her jewelry box so she will have it for when she leaves. Not going to do that.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday December 19, 2011

The Dinner family (all 4 of us) arrived at MB just after 4:00. Door was shut, lights off, sleeping people. We barged in and Popa immediately woke up and was very happy to see Samantha, then Phillip and then us. Momu was happy as well but she is nursing a side pain (I told the nurse)

I will start by saying I was actually a bit scared and frightened by today's visit. Popa was not only up, but he was extremely alert and very very talkative. Dan and I were looking at each other in disbelief. While they chatted I stepped out to the nurses station to tell them what I was witnessing with Popa. I will assume it is temporary but only time will tell.

Popa was talking with the kids about school and hockey.

Momu was talking to me and said 'wow - he just woke up'. I asked her how long he has been like this - I.e. clear and she said 'just now'. So I think the kids triggered something good. They are home for 2 weeks and will visit as often as they can - tomorrow is boggle day.

Momu's story was same one as last week - about the fact she was very friendly with my mother and threw her a wedding shower and tslked my mothers mother out of wearing a white dress - it was only repeated 2 times

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday December 15, 2011

Later arrival tonight - 6pm - they were still in dining room so we waited in the lobby. Lots of activity at MB - a troup of Daisy's (think they are really young girl scouts) dressed up and singing.

Popa was much more alert and I think it was because it was after dinner and we usually before. Still was very tired looking.

Today was about Momu - she out did herself with the forgetful story telling in the continuos loop. The repeated items were:

1 My mothers bridal shower and wedding day and that she had to talk my mothers mother out of wearing white. White is only for the bride! She repeated this 5 times in a row.

2. She needs her checkbook and credit cards because she is leaving MB on 12/26. That was repeated only 4 times.

Dad (Peter) called her this morning and again tonight while we were there and asked her if she had spoken to any doctors about leaving. Answer of course is no. He explained she will bring her checkbook next time he comes. However about 3 minutes after the call - she said she had to call her son to tell him she wants to go home. She forgot about a call that happened only 3 minutes earlier.

I had her Momu necklace fixed and gave it to her today - she was extremely happy. She will also watch a great comedy show tonight called The Iowa Debates!

She finished another book so I will bring her another once - romance novel vs thriller this time.

I am off to a Yoga Rest and relaxation retreat tomorrow thru Sunday. Dan will visit over the weekend, but no blogging.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mark was able to do an overnight in Hartford for work - Dan picked him up from airport and they arrived at Meadowbroom around 3:15. I arrived at 3:40 and left st 4:15 for a PT appointment.

Momu's hearing was bad today - she tried to use the hearing aides but I don't think she knows how to use them - she keeps taking the batteries out. So as a result she was not as engaged in conversation with Mark as she could have been.

Popa was a bit more alert - but that just means he had his eyes opened vs. closed - still did not really engage in conversation.

Momu finished another book - so that means she must be spending alot of time in the bathroom - some things never change. Let's see if she selects another book by herself - she knows where they are.

Mark and Dan stayed another 30 minutes after I left.

Momu put a date to her departure of MB - day after Christmas. I wasn't there when she announced it, so I will have another discussion with her tomorrow.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The words of the day from Momu are "I have had enough of this place. I am ready to go home." the first time she said it I ignored her and changed the subject. Momu finished the James Patterson book I gave her last week, so I walked upstairs with her and she selected another book from the cart. On the walk there she again said she is ready to go home and then said they could each use their canes to get around and upstairs. That was all I needed to hear to jump in. I told her in a nice matter of fact way that Popa can't go up the stairs on his own. She was surprised. I then told her he slipped when she was in the hospital and Dad had to catch him from falling. I told her she cannot care for him and that is what started the whole adventure. I will keep reminding her if she keeps saying she is ready to go home. No way can she care for Popa let alone herself.

We did talk a lot about family today. We talked about her father, how her mother was a good cook, etc. this discussion, I think made her feel good. Dan and I are going to bring some paper tomorrow and we want to start to document the family tree.

No words out of Popa today - eyes were mostly shut as he lied in bed.

Momu says she weighs 104 which is great. Popa down to 132 - Momu says he really does not eat much. Hoping the package of Oreos we brought over will help.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pearl Harbor Day - means Momu repeatedly said she can't believe her son will be 70! Then we talked about age and how different we feel in our heads versus our bodies. She also said Popa could not be in the army because of colitis but then said he was an 'air warden'. No clue what that means.

When Dan and I arrived we were surprised to see the lights on and tv on. That was good. There was lots of good discussion about corporate American greed on msnbc so that provoked some good conversation.

I brought Momu another James Patterson book to read.

One of the better things we witnessed was Popa used the bathroom before dinner - we were very happy to see that!

On my way out I made Momu pinky swear she would paint tomorrow but then told her she had to remember that she promised! We laughed

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

We arrived at 4. Lights off, door shut, both in Popas bed.
We brought Momu her linseed oil - I told her she has no excuses and I expect to see progress on her painting. I also brought over two additional pictures of Obama.

I helped Momu put in one earring she could not do - then she said 'pretty, right' at which point I laughed because she had 2 diff ones in so I switched them out.

We chatted - milk story made an appearance today. As we were walking them to the dining room, Momu saw Popa had an accident - she stayed calm and I was happy to see that. I got a nurse to help and he got changed and off we went.

I walked with Momu to make sure she was ok and she was. She understands as we age we become childlike.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday December 4, 2011

We arrived at 3:15 with a small banana cream pie (not homemade). Door was shut, lights were off and both sound asleep. We went in and woke them up, turned the lights on and chatted.

Popa immediately said to Dan - how are we going to pay for dinner. Popas first comment every time is asking us about going to dinner. Popa did engage in conversation today. Speaking of dinner, we asked them if Donna did come to MB last week and they both said yes. They both said they met Donnas new boyfriend and that he was nice. Only Donna can confirm.....

Not many stories today - the repeat of the day was that Chris' teeth implants did not work - i think she said it 3 times in a continuous loop. The good news is Momu remembered that I had told her about Chris' Friday procedure - bad news was she conjured up in her head that it did not work.

Popa and Dan had some pie - I turned the TV on, we watched for a little while and then left.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Today was my first visit since Monday - although I am still not feeling 100% I wanted to see M&P. I arrived solo st 1:00. Popa in a light sleep in bed. Momu in bathroom. She came out and was still in her nightgown - I asked her why she wasn't dressed snd she went into a rant about the place being crazy and she was not being taken care of. Well about 15 minutes after I arrived the nurse on duty came to check up on Momu - apparently she was not feeling well and hence the reason for her not getting dressed. I think it will always be something.

She finished the Micheal Moore book and loved it. She has not started her painting - she needs oil, which I will get tomorrow and then there will be no excuse.

Momu and I chatted for a while and then I turned on the TV just in time for us to watch the Cain speech.

Popa continues to not be part of any discussions.